Stephen Jennes
Assistant County Director - Putnam / Overton
Stephen accepted the position of Assistant County Director of Putnam County in 2017 and has seen lots of changes including the CQL accredited. He continues to strive for excellence in the way the people we support are allowed to grow and become as independent as possible.
My Story
Stephen started his career in the field of IDD at the Caring Community of Connecticut, after graduating with a BA in History and minors in Russian History and Sociology from Westfield State College in 1985. He started at the Caring Community as direct care support staff. He worked his way through house manager to eventually become a clinician that specialized in behavior management and daily living supports. He was at Caring Community from 1985 to 2017.
Working at The Caring Community taught him the value of each person supported and how to increase independence in each person, no matter the incremental of increase. He also learned the importance of providing excellent care and working as a team to ensure that each person supported grows to their fullest potential.
During the mid 90’s he also entered politics and served as a selectman for the town of Franklin, CT from 1993 -1995. This endeavor taught him the importance of listening to all aspects of differing opinions and working as a cohesive group.
The decision to leave the Caring Community was difficult, but with the graduation of his youngest child from college it was time to move to a warmer climate and the opportunity at Pacesetters helped make the move possible. He accepted the position of Assistant County Director of Putnam County in 2017 and has seen lots of changes including the CQL accredited. He continues to strive for excellence in the way the people we support are allowed to grow and become as independent as possible.
In his/their spare time, he and his wife, Barbara spend time exploring Tennessee and the rest of the Southeastern US through day trips and short overnight trips. Though not a local anymore, he continues to be a huge fan of the New York Giants. He and his wife also enjoy the occasional visits to/from their grandchildren who live in Florida and Connecticut.
"You can’t live a perfect day until you do something for someone who will never be able to repay you." -John Wooden